Harlequin Pothos: How to Grow and Care for it

Harlequin Pothos is a beautiful houseplant that grows up to 10 inches (26 cm) tall. However, it requires considerable maintenance. It has fast-growing vines that can reach lengths of up to 20 feet. The plant leaves are heart-shaped and have a glossy, variegated appearance.

The plant can withstand dryness during winter months. However, you will need to apply adequate nutrients or fertilizer once or twice monthly throughout its life cycle. Leaving Harlequin Pothos dry in summer may cause root rot. These plants need moisture primarily for their root strength rather than leaves.

Light requirements for Harlequin Pothos:

Harlequin Pothos needs bright, indirect light. If you have a south- or west-facing window, that’s the perfect spot for these plants. Keep in mind that the plants will be short and leggy if you live in an area with little sun. Try supplementing your indoor lighting with fluorescent bulbs to create optimal growth conditions.

The best time to ensure Harlequin Pothos receives the brightest light is from spring through summer (when the days are the longest). The plant can tolerate low light or total sun exposure if need be. This plant isn’t well-suited for prolonged direct sunlight exposure.

Temperature requirements for Harlequin Pothos:

Harlequin Pothos can be grown in a wide range of conditions, from the coldest regions of Canada and Alaska to warmer climates like Florida. The plant will tolerate temperatures as low as -30°F (or -34°C), but it prefers temperatures between 40° and 80°F (4-27°C). It also grows best in environments with high humidity levels and indirect sunlight.

Soil requirements for Harlequin Pothos:

Harlequin pothos can be grown in either a pot or in the ground. If you want to grow it in the ground, you will need to use rich soil. The best way to mix up your own Harlequin pothos potting soil is using one part perlite and two parts coco coir.

You can also use peat moss instead of perlite. Both options are good because they’re low maintenance and provide plenty of nutrients for your plants.

You should also add 1/4 cup of aluminum sulfate per gallon when mixing up your potting soil. It provides an added benefit for preventing fungal infections caused by wet conditions. Moreover, it helps with drainage issues.

Be mindful of the potting mix composition. The aluminum sulfate shouldn’t exceed 10% of the total dry weight content. It means that it should be no more than 10 ounces per 100 gallons of water in the container.

Water requirements for Harlequin Pothos:

  • Water when the soil is dry to the touch.
  • Do not let the soil dry out completely. It should be moist, not damp.

The watering schedule depends on how often you use your Pothos and whether it is placed in direct sunlight or shade. The season of the year also determines the watering frequency.

If you keep your Harlequin Pothos indoors during winter months (when there is minimal natural light), you will need to water the plant every two weeks.

If the plant is outdoors, then you can water it once every two weeks during summertime.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Things should I consider if I live in a high-humidity area?

If you live in an area with high humidity, you may experience fungal disease problems like powdery mildew or black spot. It’s essential to provide adequate ventilation so the air around your harlequin pothos will dry out quickly after watering. The best time to water your harlequin pothos is early morning when there is moderate sunlight in your home.

If you wait until midday or later on hot days (temperatures around 100°F), Harlequin will need more water. During hot weather, the Pothos won’t be able to absorb enough moisture from its surroundings through its leaves. Thus, the leaves get scorched by direct sunlight during mid-morning hours.

Pests and diseases to look out for Harlequin Pothos:

If you’re growing your Harlequin indoors, it can be susceptible to pests and diseases. In particular, spider mites are a common issue with this plant. To prevent spider mites from attacking your prize potted plant, look for the following signs:

  • Small spots on the leaves with a yellow or white center (this is where spider mites lay eggs)
  • Small holes in stems or leaves that look like cigarette burns


Harlequin Pothos is a beautiful plant that can add color to any room. It has small flowers and will grow best in low-light conditions. It does not require much water, but it does need adequate ventilation. The soil must be kept moist for optimal growth. However, overwatering may cause root rot over time.

Harlequin Pothos: How to Grow and Care for it

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