How To Propagate Pothos In 3 Easy Steps

Learning how to propagate pothos is an easy and rewarding activity, allowing you to multiply this beautiful vining plant as your heart desires! Given time, there is no limit to how many pothos you can propagate!

From a single plant you can turn your home into the vining jungle you’ve dreamed of, or simply have an abundance of plants to gift or even sell! In this article, we will discuss how to propagate pothos and how to troubleshoot common problems like root rot and slow growth.

Step 1: Taking Pothos Cuttings

Here we will talk about how to take a pothos cutting

Here we will talk about how to take a pothos cutting. Growing pothos by cutting is easy, and for this reason, it is the most common way to do it. What you need for this step are some sharp clippers and a developed “mother” plant from which you will take your pothos cuttings. Below we will describe where to cut a pothos for propagation.

  • To begin you will want to cut back parts of your mother plant to use as propagation material. Each cutting will require a minimum of 2 pothos nodes, but 4 are recommended.
  • The nodes on pothos are located along the stem and are the same points from where leaves are attached. Pothos plant nodes are slightly swollen compared to the rest of the stem. This is how you will decide where to cut pothos for propagation.
  • Begin taking pothos cuttings from your mother plant in segments that have around 4 nodes. You can take the pothos clippings directly from the plant or cut a long segment of the vine and cut it into pieces. Will want to remove the leaves from all but the top 2 nodes of your cutting. You can also propagate pothos without leaves as they will grow back with time.
  • Planting pothos cuttings as described in step 2 should be done immediately.

Step 2: Rooting Pothos

Rooting pothos is easy and can be done in one of two ways; either in water or directly in the soil.

Rooting Pothos In Water

You can take Pothos cuttings in water easily

You can take Pothos cuttings in water easily. To root pothos in water all you need is your cuttings (from step 1) and a vessel with water. A glass jar, cup, or any container will work. This is the easiest way to propagate pothos.

  • Simply take your vessel, fill it most of the way with water, and place your cuttings inside!
  • Only place 2-3 cuttings per vessel. Avoid mixing different types of pothos in a single vessel.
  • You will want to place your cuttings in a place with indirect and mild light until the roots develop.
  • You need to change the water frequently. If you experience issues consider trying distilled water or rainwater.
  • Once your Pothos roots are developed you will want to begin moving pothos from water to soil. You can do this by gently placing the pothos plant roots in well-draining soil making sure they are evenly spread. There is no exact best time for when to plant pothos cuttings but avoid waiting months until the roots are too developed and the plant has lost vigor.

Frequently Asked Questions and Common Problems On How To Propagate Pothos In Water

How long does it take pothos to root in water?

It should only take 4-8 weeks for your pothos to be fully rooted. Rooting occurs quicker in warm temperatures.

How long should pothos roots be before planting?

At least 4 inches is recommended, but 2 inches is a minimum.

Why are my pothos not growing new leaves?

Don’t worry! Your pothos should only start growing new leaves after it has a developed root system. Give it time. Alternatively, it may need warmer temperatures.

Why are my pothos not growing roots?

This most often occurs due to low temperatures. Try moving your cuttings to a warmer spot or place them on a heat mat.

How often do you change the water when propagating Pothos?

At least once a week, but every 2-3 days is recommended. Switching it daily is best.

How do I prevent pothos root rot in water?

Change your water frequently and make sure your water and vessel are clean and dirt free. If necessary use distilled, filtered, or rainwater.

How long can you keep pothos in water?

Pothos can last in water for months with no problem. After a while, the plant will lose its vigor and may not take to the transplant as easily. How long can pothos live in the water really depends on your climate and environmental conditions?

Why are my pothos roots in water brown?

This is usually because you have not switched the water frequently enough or they have been in the water for too long. Healthy pothos roots should be white/translucent.​​

Rooting Pothos In Soil

Learning how to propagate pothos in the soil can be useful in certain contexts

Learning how to propagate pothos in the soil can be useful in certain contexts. Potting pothos cuttings in the soil is convenient in humid climates where watering frequently is unnecessary.

The advantage to pothos propagation in the soil is that your plant will already be in its final growing medium and more resistant to its final transplant. Pothos propagation in soil is also easy but may be more delicate than pothos water propagation.

  • Simply take your cutting and bury at least 2 pothos plant nodes in well-draining soil.
  • You can choose what size pot for pothos cuttings, but a 1 gallon or 1/2 gallon pot is enough.
  • How many pothos cuttings per pot really depends on your preference, but no more than 4 is recommended.
  • Keep your soil moist but do not overwater, this will cause rot. If it’s wilting or your pothos has black stems you know there may be rotting
  • Propagating pothos in soil should take around 4-8 weeks.
  • The best soil for pothos cuttings is a well-draining and low-nutrient soil. Excess nutrients will increase the chances of root rot and other diseases. I recommend using 50% coco coir and 50% perlite. After 6 weeks you can throw a handful of worm castings on top and water it in.
  • Once you start noticing roots creeping from the bottom of your pot it is time for you to begin transplanting pothos into a new container. We will discuss how to repot pothos in step 3.

Step 3: Taking Care Of Your Pothos

Now that you’ve successfully rooted your Pothos all you need to do is take good care to ensure its health! Thankfully, this plant is extremely resistant and shouldn’t take too much effort. Below is everything you need to know to ensure a healthy Pothos plant!

  • Using the best soil for pothos plants is the key to ensuring their success. I recommend using well-draining soil to avoid issues with root rot. You can make your own good soil for pothos by using 40% perlite, 40% coco-coir, and 20% worm casting. This will be enough to fully nourish your plant and keep it happy! Alternatively, you can use sphagnum moss instead of coco-coir.
  • The biggest mistake people make is overwatering. How often you water will depend on your climate, but in most places 2 to 3 times a week should be enough. Make sure the top 2-3 inches of the soil have dried up before watering. If your soil has become excessively dry consider filling up a saucer with water and placing your pot on top, allowing it to absorb the water from below!
  • Pothos doesn’t like direct light. Keep pothos in a location with indirect sunlight or even in a shady corner.
  • Pothos cannot handle frosts and dislikes cold temperatures so keep them inside during the winter.
  • I recommend avoiding using fertilizer pellets, powders, or liquids. Instead, you can add 2-3 handfuls of worm compost every 6 months to ensure the plant is properly fed.

How to Repot a Pothos

Repotting a pothos is important to ensure it stays healthy and vigorous

Repotting a pothos is important to ensure it stays healthy and vigorous. After a while, your plant can become “root bound” and will start suffering complications and disease. At this point, you may want to consider repotting your pothos.

  • You may want to cut back excessive growth to make this process easier but it’s not necessary.
  • Place your hand on the surface of the soil and let the plant stem slip between your fingers. You will then flip the pot with the soil upside down and gently remove the pot. If you’re struggling to remove the pot squeeze the sides with your other hand.
  • Loosen any roots on the outside of the “root ball” so they will better adapt into their new container.
  • Place the root ball in a new and larger pot and bury it in well-draining soil! Voila your Pothos is now repotted!

Other Frequently Asked Questions and Common Problems

How long does it take to propagate pothos?

It should only take 4-8 weeks for your pothos to be rooted and ready for its final container. This can take longer in colder climates, up to 16 weeks.

How do I know when to propagate pothos?

Your mother plant should be mature, well established, and have vegetation to spare.

What do pothos roots look like?

Pothos roots should be white to light brown in color, stringy, and not have any strange gunk. They should also be firm and not slimy.

When to pot propagated pothos?

Once your roots are at least 4” long in water or once you see roots creeping from the bottom of your pot in soil.

Why is my propagated pothos not growing?

The most common reason your propagated pothos is not growing is because of low temperatures. Keeping it warm will help stimulate it’s growth.

Can you propagate pothos without node?

No, a pothos node is absolutely necessary.

Can you propagate pothos from a leaf?

Only if your leave is attached to a stem with 2-3 nodes. A single leaf with no nodes cannot be propagated.

Can I propagate other varieties of Pothos in the same way?

Whether you are propagating golden pothos or propagating neon pothos, it doesn’t matter! They can be done all the same way.

How to keep pothos bushy?

The way to grow a bushy pothos is by proper trimming. You take clippings from the growing front of the vines and promote a bushier growth.

How long does it take for pothos to grow?

Pothos can grow fast. A couple of inches week when it’s fully established in ideal conditions.

Can I have different pothos in one pot?

It is not recommended to grow different varieties of pothos within a single pot. They can do it but their vigor will be reduced compared to being grown individually.

When should I repot my pothos?

Once your plant has fully grown within its pot. You will notice this because there will be roots creeping from the bottom of the pot and the plant may have slowed in its growing.

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