Monstera Adansonii Varieties and How to Identify the Differences

The Monstera belongs to the family “Araceae” of flowering plants which consists of 49 species. Monstera adansonii Varieties is also one of the 49 species, and together they are called Aroids. The Monstera has its lineages from the South and Central America. It widely exists in tropical and northern temperate regions of the world.

Monstera species grow well in medium or away from the direct light source is the reason they’re the ideal decorative plants for interiors. Moreover, the indoor temperature keeps them growing throughout the year.

But, the ideal temperature range lies between 55 to 75 °F. Monstera species also grow well under the canopy of large shady trees using their aerial roots and could reach up to 60 feet or more. Monstera Adansonii possesses colossal indents in the leaves that transform into large oval holes near maturity.

The leaf venation remains alternate with pretty large leaves size in dark green color. Usually, the leaves can grow 10 to 35 inches long and 6 to 30 inches broad. Additionally, the holes in the leaves can withstand heavy wind pressure, and the leaf shape allows them to transform the required amount of light for optimum growth.

Monstera Adansonii flowers in spring with the purple insinuation, and the flowers’ color remains cream. Some Monstera Adansonii cultivars may have variegated leaves that make them more appealing to the gardeners. The indoor growers often prefer to grow variegated types since they offer a more attractive look together they’re easy to grow and care for.

Here is a brief comparison of Monstera Adansonii with other prevailing varieties that gardeners love to grow indoors. The description below shows different Monstera adansonii varieties and a brief comparison of monstera laniata vs adansonii, monstera lechleriana vs adansonii, monstera friedrichsthalii vs adansonii.The description also includes a brief introduction of monstera adansonii types including the Monstera Variegata and Monstera obliqua.

Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii:

Leaf holes in Monstera Laniata cultivar remain nearer the midrib compared with the parent variety; Monstera Adansonii and leaf perforations are wider as well. Moreover, the lateral branches originate from the midrib at above 60-degree angles.

Both the size and shape remain similar to that of Monstera Adansonii. Surprisingly, the leaves are shinier, greener, and more reflective in Laniata than in Monstera Adansonii. Since the holes develop nearer the midrib than Monstera Adansonii, it is considered the most distinctive feature for identifying Laniata from Adansonii besides, it never extrudes inflorescence when cultivated under indoor conditions.

Monstera Lechleriana vs Adansonii:

Monstera Lechleriana is more strong climber than Adansonii with typical green foliage and split-leaf look. It climbs on the trunks of the trees and reaches near the canopy but, will never emerge out of the foliage as direct light exposure could burn their leaves.

The leaves in Monstera Lechleriana develop larger than Adansonii with pretty bigger biomass but, with fewer leaf holes. Moreover, Lechleriana cultivars are hungrier for nutrients and humidity than Adansonii and could better survive if grown under 70% or more relative humidity indoors. Monstera Lechleriana is more adaptable to varying climatic conditions, and several young leaves may miss indentations and holes.

When the leaves mature, they could develop circular holes but, the number of holes remains fewer than Adansonii. Moreover, Lechleriana foliage also contains a lesser number of leaves than Adansonii. However, an individual leaf size could go up to 10 inches if allowed to grow under ideal conditions. overall, Monstera Lechleriana would grow taller than its counterpart Adansonii if both species grow under the same conditions.

Monstera Friedrichsthalii vs Adansonii:

Identifying different Monstera cultivars is often quite deceptive, and only a botanist like Dr. Tom Croat of Missouri Botanical Garden can truly identify such plants after complete metamorphosis. Dr.Tom Croat quotes:

“Monstera Friedrichsthalii is a synonym of M. Adansonii, and the leaves can get up to about 65 cm long, But I rarely see blades in the field which are more than 50 cm long.” So, never confuse with the synonym Monstera Friedrichsthalii used often for the Monstera Adansonii.

Leaf shape is highly variable and ranges from ovate to lanceolate, and deep green leaves arrange on a long petiole along the stem. Matured leaves show prickles by obvious holes on both sides of the midrib. The lowest base of the leaf is also uneven, and one side is doubly wider than the other. With a cylindrical stem, Monstera Obliqua may occasionally yield stolons that can be used to propagate a new plant.

The inflorescence is seen in bright yellow that bears which bear while berries at maturity. These are the distinctive breeding features, and the breeder arrangements that don’t allow Monstera Obliqua to grow in the wild and make it a supreme choice for the gardeners to grow indoors.

Monstera Adansonii-Variegata:

The term Variegata derives from Latin, and it means variegation in English. The variegated Monstera varieties reflect the variable colors in the stem and leaf of a plant.

The variegation is an induced characteristic in plants that come through different breeding techniques that hinder the production of chlorophyll in leaf tissue. A single gene controls the color variation and is often induced by mutation using several mutagenic agents.

Overall, there are more than five varieties of Monstera Adansonii that show color variation and are distinguished based on patterns they possess. These may be dots, stripes, blocks, or shapes. However, the prominent colors in variegation remain light yellow and creamy white making them distinct from all other Monstera varieties.

Monstera Variegated varieties are the most widely grown indoors and often the first choice of indoor growers throughout the world. Moreover, these are costlier than the rest of the common Monstera Adansonii varieties.  Monstera deliciosa or Thai Constellation possesses variegation on the entire leaves of a mature plant, while other variegated varieties may possess variegation features partially.

This distinction makes it the number one indoor Monstera variety for decorative purposes. Other common variegated Monstera varieties include Monstera deliciosa-Marmorata, Mint Monstera, Albo Borsigiana, and Variegata.

The best thing about all Monstera species is the robust growth when cultivated in pots indoors under room temperature and humidity. Moreover, the entire Monstera with a light to medium dose of the balanced nutrients monthly.

Do all Monstera Adansonii varieties grow well under the light?

All monstera varieties grow well under light but, away from direct sunlight exposure. They’re shade-tolerant plants and grow well indoors.

Does Monstera Adansonii need frequent fertilization?

Monstera Adansonii and its all cultivars are not fertilizer lovers. However, fertilizing them twice a year is necessary. The fertilizer applied in spring-summer. Avoid fertilizing Monstera Adansonii when outdoor sunshine seizes in winter.

Is Monstera Adansonii the priciest?

Monstera Adansonii-Variegata is the priciest of all other varieties. The variegation and the patterns keep their price tags at an all-time high. Mini Monstera can even sell for over 10K dollars in the market.

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